Bring It On! : Polini Malaysian Motorcycle Grand Prix 2007
0 comments Posted by gmbr.masta at 9:25 AM
Yeah, the 2007 MotoGP title isn't for contest anymore. Ducati's main rider, Mr Stoner ..
Casey Stoner (born October 16, 1985) is a motorcycle racer and 2007 MotoGP World Champion originally from Kurri Kurri, New South Wales, Australia.
was officially the King of MotoGP, an awesome ozzie rider since the great Mick Doohan. (But don't eva forget Wayne Gardner though) Whateva the huhaha about it, I'll try to make it a must for me to grab those grandstand package (student, if manage to..) to watch this year Sepang's Grand Prix. FYI, on the day itself.. I have to seat for my final exam for one of my MSc postgrad class. Arghhh.... Anyone have the extra cent to sponsor me a ticket for good?
(A special encouraging msg for Mr Valentino, beat Stoner at Sepang or donate your bike for the good sake of charity)

" I wan't those yummy package!!"
The Most Wanted : All Black Novitec Ferrari F430 Tu Nero
0 comments Posted by the.gmbr.masta at 6:54 PM
Are you the type of supercar freak who love the grumbling sound of 707hp (520kW) powerplant at a staggering 8,350rpm and maximum torque of 712Nm at 6,300rpm. Hmmm... awesome isn't it. All of those you can taste when you 'ownz' this top of the most wanted list (still in memory of Need for speed most wanted) Novitec's very own Ferrari F430 Tu Nero. Of course with super-additional performance stuff plus it’s very special modified gearbox, the F430 TuNero is claimed to reach a top speed of 348km/h and should complete the 0-100km/h dash in just 3.5 seconds. [source] Slurppp...
.... pair of race-grade superchargers with modified turbine blades and individual oil coolers, an enlarged induction tract with heat insulation as well as new water-cooled intercoolers that are twice the size of the units in the previous SuperSport F430.

via[MA] More Tu Nero pics there..
No. It won't cost you €20Mil. What I meant is the total raw profit the manufacturer will get out from those 20 unit of this freaking beauty jet-inspired supercar. Of course this machine is only for millionaires kinda toys. But, it is not wrong to dream of it (or blog) :) Rite?
...not enough? Absolutely petrol guzzzzlleerrrr!!!
Powered by a 650hp 6.5L V12 engine. Peak torque stands at 660Nm and drive is sent through the permanent Viscous Traction AWD system via Lamborghini’s e-gear transmission.

Hi Mr Veyron, you got call! Can't wait their head to head ultimate challenge. Me go for Reventon...
press releases and more pics at 'via'[motorA]
Labels: Reventon