Yeah. I've been smoked. Two times in 3 days. Both cars are exactly the same as in the picture. Luckily I'm just riding my humble 130cc Modenas, :). The 2 "cultprit" are a local-registration Elise and another one, from "neighbour-down-under".

But what keeping me LOL'ed everytime I saw an Elise passing by or parked anyplace after the recent "smoked" experience no.1, is the "1st Elise" was really smoked itself few minutes after it "smoked" me. Err. I mean, got her engine blown and stranded at the side of the highway. The owner, out of the car, with cellphone in his hand, calling "somebody". Pity him.

Not to underestimate this amazingly super-awesome rides but it prove that what ever kind of roadmachine you own, it is not vulnerable to "problems". What you can do, just take good care of her as you done it for yourself. (Free advice)

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